Famous Explorers


Take a trip to some of the undiscovered lands of the world with our famous explorers of old! Learn a little about them and enjoy colouring pages, posters, worksheets and other printable activities.

Amelia Earhart (1897–1937) was an American pilot famous for becoming the first woman to...

Captain James Cook, 1728-1779, was an explorer and navigator and captain in the Royal Navy,...

For many years, Christopher Columbus was given the credit for discovering America. That's...

Edmund Hillary (1919–2008) was an explorer and mountain climber who, together with Sherpa...

Francis Drake (c. 1540–1596) was one of the most famous sailors of the Elizabethan age. An...

Isabella Bird (1831–1904) was an intrepid and adventurous travel writer and photographer...

Neil Armstrong (1930 – 2012) is known all over the world as the first person to walk on...

Tim Peake (1972–) is a British astronaut who became famous when he spent six months living...

Sir Walter Raleigh (c. 1554–1618) was a famous English explorer and writer during the...

Wilbur Wright (1867–1912) and Orville Wright (1871–1948) were American brothers...

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We have useful notebooking pages for these famous explorers, here:


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